Keep at least one first-aid kit in your home and one in your car


A well-stocked first-aid kit can help you respond effectively to common injuries and emergencies. Keep at least one first-aid kit in your home and one in your car. Store your kits someplace easy to get to and out of the reach of young children. Make sure children old enough to understand the purpose of the kits know where they're stored.

You can buy first-aid kits at many drugstores or assemble your own. You may want to tailor your kit based on your activities and needs. A first-aid kit might include:

Basic supplies

Adhesive tape

Elastic wrap bandages

Bandage strips in assorted sizes

Super glue

Rubber tourniquet 

Nonstick sterile bandages and roller gauze in assorted sizes

Eye shield or pad

Large triangular bandage (may be used as a sling)

Aluminum finger splint

Instant cold packs

Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs

Disposable nonlatex examination gloves, several pairs

Duct tape

Plastic bags, assorted sizes

Scissors and tweezers

Hand sanitizer

Antibiotic ointment

Antiseptic solution and towelettes

Eyewash solution


Sterile saline for irrigation, flushing

Breathing barrier (surgical mask)

First-aid manual

Car first aid kit

first aid box kit

Car first aid kit supplies

Car first aid kit

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